Nasaria Suckoo Chollette performs her poem “Just Long Celia” at the National Gallery in Grand Cayman.
Our editor, last weekend, had the opportunity to view “All the Coals We Left in the Fire” which is a survey exhibition by leading Caymanian artist, Nasaria Suckoo Chollette. With the distinct pleasure of being guided through the work by the artist herself, the experience ended with a recitation of Just Long Celia depicting the story of a slave Celia (though to be tall hence the “long” descriptor) who heard of freedom and rightly demanded it yet was met with charges of seditious behaviour and rewarded with lashes instead of a loosening of her shackles. May we all be like Celia - standing tall and defiant in the face of injustices for what is our divine birthright - self autonomy.
All the Coals We Left in the Fire is on show until 13 October 2022 at the National Gallery in Grand Cayman. If you won’t be able to visit and view, keep an eye on this space for more pieces connected with Nasaria’s work or check her out on Instagram @suckoochollette