I was about 17 when I got pregnant. I was scared. I knew I didn’t want a child I think perhaps because the would-be father was no kinda father figure and I was young. I told my close friends because I didn’t know how to terminate the pregnancy but one of them had another friend who’d had one done before and said the doctor would give me pills but it would cost $15000.
#5 - My Rebirth through Abortion
#4 - Untitled
#3 - I Took a Pregnancy Test as a Joke. It Laughed Back.
I found out I was pregnant on a Saturday afternoon while I was cleaning my apartment. I found an old pregnancy test under the bed and laughed to myself and set it aside while I continued sweeping. An hour later, I felt the urge to pee and thought it would be funny to do the pregnancy test. I set it on the side of the bathtub and scrolled through Twitter while I sat on the toilet. I glanced at it. Two lines, as expected.
Wait, what?
#2 - The Day Of Love
I’ve always loved our intimate sessions. I can’t say I truly loved having sex with him but I think I just loved hearing him being pleased.
We always went back and forth, and later down in the relationship, I learnt he had a “complicated” relationship and a baby on the way, who then became an actual existing figure; a little human.
Again, this wasn’t love…